You Need A New Pillow
You need a new pillow but probably not in the way you think. Charles Spurgeon once said that, "the sovereignty of God is the pillow upon which the child of God rests his head at night giving perfect peace." This passage acts like a pillow because it shows us that the Lord was at work in the lives of Paul and his companions directing them, and even when they made wrong turns, the Lord worked through their sin and weakness. Listen as we walk through this passage and see how God was at work through CONFLICT, through Paul’s COMPANIONS, and through CLOSED DOORS. As we see God’s providence in Paul’s life, it will help you consider the Lord’s activity in your life, and by the end, you will have some clarity on the way that God guides your life and more importantly, you will have a pillow to rest your head on when life doesn't turn out the way you planned.